Updated on March 08, 2010
L.B. asks from Greenacres, WA
24 answers
I just am feeling a bit rebellious these days and was thinking about another ear piercing (this would be 2nd holes) or a tattoo? What do you think?
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answers from Oklahoma City on
I dont have any ear peircings but am thinking about a tattoo. i want my daughters footprint, maybe handprint?, because its something that you wont regret and wont be embarrased to show them later in life!
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answers from Richmond on
I just want to say, yay tattoos! I'm more or less covered in ink... but for some reason I am DEATHLY afraid of piercings! The only thing pierced on me are my ears, and that was done when I was 8 years old... Too many of my friends have had horror stories of piercings getting infected. Plus, I love the individuality of tattoos. I've got stuff all over that remind me of the people I love the most.... my daughters, my boyfriend (NOT his name, I'm not dumb, but we have cute little matching tattoos), my brothers, my family, things I love like the beach, flowers... just a load of stuff. It's the permenant way to express who you are... and look super cute in a tank top! No jewelery needed, you're already decorated ;) Have fun!!
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answers from Seattle on
I am partial to tattoos because you can make them entirely unique and about you. I have five of them. BUT they are permanent in a way that another ear piercing is not. You can take out earrings, you cannot take off a tattoo. That being said, and I hope you don't take this the wrong way, if you are asking which one you should do, I don't think you should do either. This is a very personal decision that shouldn't be made by strangers.
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answers from Anchorage on
Why does everyone think that piercings and tattoos are good for expressing rebelliousness when they are so common? Most tattoos do not look cute and they usually do not age well. Tattoos seem more to express insecurity and dissatisfaction with one's body. If you really want to express yourself, why not volunteer in a homeless shelter, a soup kitchen or someplace else where you can be useful as well as rebellious in your peer group? Oh, and by the way, you will see that the majority of those receiving services have piercings and tattoos. So join the crowd.
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answers from Seattle on
Not sure why you want to be rebellious but I'll tell you that I regret my tatoo a lot!! I wish I could erase it. I liked it for a very short time and have regretted it ever since. I've had it for 14 years. Luckily it is on my lower back so no one sees it other than my husband (and he hates it). As for the piericing... I guess go ahead if you want to. I had second holes but it bothered my cartilage, so I took them out. And personally I think piercing anywhere else on the face looks nasty! But at least it is something you can take out if you want. Good luck deciding :)
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answers from Kansas City on
Look ahead 20-30 years. Have you ever seen tattoos on old people? Can't even tell what they are anymore w/ all the wrinkled skin, they look like greeb blobs. That's what yours will look like too. At least holes will close up. Maybe though, the thing to do, is ask yourself what exactly you're feeling rebellious about and to whom you're rebelling. Teenagers are usually the ones who rebell, not grown ups, so with all do respect(and I do mean that), maybe you just need to grow up a bit.
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answers from Seattle on
I guess I'm an old fogey, but all of these tattoos and piercings just look gross to me. It makes me squeamish just to look at them. I just don't get it. I keep wondering why people want to endure the discomfort and waste time and money on self-mutilation. I also worry about the diseases or infections you can get from needles that aren't properly sterilized.
If you are feeling rebellious, have you thought about getting out there and using the time and money to have an adventure that will give you a lifetime of memories?
Some ideas: Take a whitewater rafting trip, rock climbing lessons, go on a zip line, skydiving, mountain climbing, back packing trip, horse pack trip, take a road trip, etc.
Or as others have suggested, spend the time and money doing something useful like signing up as a volunteer for your local school district, a youth sports team, a Habitat for Humanity Project, at a local animal shelter or whatever type of project would make you feel good about yourself for helping.
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answers from Portland on
I have two tattoos, and have had many piercings. When I am feeling rebellious I try to figure out what is causing the rebellion. Then try smaller less objectional ways to full fill it (mostly because I work in a conservative corporate environment and the judgement level is extremely high). If that doesn't work then I think about piercing since those are easier to hide if not a corporately acceptable thing, then if that really isn't fitting the need then I will think about the tattoo but I wait an additional year after figuring out what I want and where I'm putting it since those are much more difficult to change your mind on. I am not saying follow your whim and get a tattoo but do think about what you are wanting to get and where you will put it.
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answers from Longview on
Dear i can understand rebelious ,but if thats what you want and it will make you feel better go for it .but dont do it because your trying to get back at someone or refenge.do it cause you want too.
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answers from Norfolk on
Not sure what you are rebelling against. It might be easier to completely change your hair style / color. If you tire of it, you can change it to something else or go back to your original look once your rebellion is over.
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answers from Portland on
Personally, I say go for it. I especially favor ear piercing, but a tattoo would not be the end of the world either (Just make sure you can hide it easily if need be). I have one, a little butterfly- it's on my hip, below my pant line so unless I want you to see it, you never would. It's girlie and simple. I would love another tattoo- but because they are so permanent, they really need to be well thought out. Plus, it's always best to have a strong emotional reason for getting whatever you decide to get, that way you are much less likely to regret it later. I can't decide what I want or even where I'd put it- so it's just not something I am going to do any time soon.
As for piercings-I have 3 holes in each ear, plus an extra in my cartlidge on my right ear. I wear a small hoop in the cartlidge, small studs in the top two holes in my ears, and fun earrings in the first (bottom) hole on each ear. I have never had anyone say an ill thing about my earrings, and I come from a very religious familly. They really aren't that obvious to most people, but they are fun for me. I love them.
And just to be clear- I do (and always have) worked in the medical field. I am a pretty conservative person, mother of 3, 28 years old, but I also have my belly button pierced. It's not something that most people know about me, it's my thing, but again, I love it! :)
Have fun!
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answers from Fort Wayne on
I have three holes in each ear, my cartlidge pierced and three tattoos, I totally get it! H AHAHA! I'm getting two more tattoos very very soon. I say go for it! If you decide to get a tattoo there are a few things to take into account. 1) Make sure that whatever you get will be meaningful to you. 2)Placement is very important, consider what is appropriate for your lifestyle. 3)Look at the tattoo artists portfolio to see the quality of their work. 4)Make sure the shop is clean and sanitary. Good luck with whichever you decide. Have fun! :D
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answers from Eugene on
piercings heal and if you don't like it ...you take it out and it closes up and goes away. Tattoos more or less are forever. If you are looking into a tattoo - I would really think about what you would like to get. I have two tats, and have had many piercings. I am currently getting my next tattoo set up...unfortunately I will have to wait until August to get it because the artist is booked until then. This is my big one.
Sometimes when I feel that way - I get my hair permed too. Just want to make sure it's going to be right. Good luck with what your next adventure is. Always remember - No Regrets.
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answers from Portland on
A second earring hole is not too racy in today's culture of piercings and whatnot. It is much more acceptable than permanent ink. If you feel strongly about getting a tattoo, I BEG OF YOU... PLEASE locate it somewhere that it can be easily hidden if needed. As a human resources manager, I see many people come in with tattooes on their hands, arms, neck, etc and this often prevents them from a job in the hospitality industry. OR if they do get hired, they have to wear something that hides the tattooes - be it makeup, long sleeves (yes even in the summer!) band-aids, sports wrap or something. What a pain. And as you grow older, you can take out the extra earring if you desire, but that ink is pretty much with your body till you leave it.
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answers from Seattle on
Sounds good to me! Wanting to reclaim some identity and self-expression? I am SO there with you! :)
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answers from Portland on
I think both piercings and tattoos are fine if well thought out and well placed. But I'd be more curious about the need to rebel. What deeper need is going unmet, and is there any other way to meet that need that might work better?
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answers from St. Cloud on
Do you have your nose pierced? That would be alot of fun! I love my having my nose pierced.
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answers from Seattle on
2nd holes!!! Tats maybe the in thing to do these days, but they are permanent. Yes you can have them removed, I know of 2 procedures for removal (not covering them with another tat), but they're expensive and time consuming to do. Think of yourself as a 65-75 year old woman with aging skin and this tatoo on a wrinkled canvas. Depending on where you get have it placed, it would limit your choices of apparel if you were going to some conservative/formal occasion. Also, some employers, all things being equal between two candidates, may not offer you a job, especially if you were to be meeting the public all the time.
There are health risks to both, depending on the establishment you would be visiting to get either procedure done. Make sure that they are clean and take the appropriate precautions. Ink should be in mini pots, so that little pot of ink has never been dipped in before and when they're done with a client, no matter how much ink is left in the pot, the ink and pot are tossed. Same with needles, disposable, never been used before or sterilized in an autoclave. Piercing gun should be the same, sterilized or disposable needles. Hep-C is a huge concern, nothing to laugh about, as well as many other blood borne viruses.
I have friends who have murals tatooed across their chests and others who have small butterflies at the bikini line. Tat placement and size are personal choice, but once it's there, consider it a permanent piece of art, one that you are a part of. This rebellious wild child today may not be so rebellious 10 years from now. Also, what you do is a lesson for your kids. Do as I say and not as I do was one phrase I hated to hear from my parents, I believe kids learn what they live.
Whatever you do, enjoy!!! Pick your artwork carefully, it will be gorgeous. If you get piercings, find the cutest studs to wear, something small that shine like bits of sunlight on your ears.
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answers from Portland on
Feeling rebellious isn't a bad thing, I don't think. I like to think I "rebel" against certain social or cultural norms and that it is a GOOD thing. Either of your choices are great- but if you get a tattoo make sure it is one with feeling behind it- and one that you won't mind if it gets saggy later in life. :)
I plan on getting two tattoos after I'm finished breastfeeding: both having to do with my children so I won't mind at all w/ them getting saggy or weird looking as I age.
Good luck, and way to go with accepting life and how you feel!
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answers from Nashville on
I'm all for both, but you should really think long and hard before getting a tattoo. It is not a decision to be made on a whim. I have several, but have never gotten one on the spur of the moment. I think about it, decide what I want, and then wait. If I still want it months later, then I go for it. I have changed my mind several times and I'm glad I did rush out and get something that sounded cool at the moment. Piercings, on the other hand, are something you can take out and not have to live with a lifetime of regret about.
I have to say to those that are so judgemental about tattoos- If my biggest regret when I am 80 is that I have a tattoo, I will be pretty pleased with my life. Hopefully you will all be able to say the same.
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answers from Portland on
Lynn, honey...if you were really feeling rebellious you wouldn't need to ask us what we thought.
Is it perhaps that you're feeling older? We've all been there and will be there again! If you want to feel a little wild get an itty bitty tattoo on your hip or something.
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answers from Seattle on
I have both so I am not going to tell you that either is bad. The only thing to keep in mind is that it is a lot harder to get rid of a tattoo if you change your mind about it later.
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answers from Atlanta on
If you are feeling really rebellious why not check into getting pierced in other areas. Check out dermal anchors which can go pretty much anywhere. I recently got one at the top of my cleavage and love it! That makes a total of 9 piercings, most I don't wear anymore but they were a lot of fun.
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answers from Gainesville on
Yayyyy tattoos ! Actually I like both. I have to keep all my piercings out for work though, except for the ones they can't see :-) As said before though, piercings can always be removed, tattoos are pretty much permanent so make sure it's something you really like. :)
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